داستان آبیدیک

trait anger


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: خشم خصیصه، خشم صفت

A survey model was used with 499 students between 16 and 18 years of age to investigate associations between perceived social support, self-esteem, trait anger, and anger expression revealed by the Perceived Social Support scale - Revised (Yildirim, 2004), the Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965; Turkish version Cuhadaroglu, 1986), and the Trait Anger and Anger Expression Scale (Spielberger, Jacobs, Russell, & Craine, 1983) translated and adapted by Ozer (1994). There was a significant negative relationship among anger expression and the social support and trait anger perceived from family and teachers, and between self-esteem and trait anger. However, there was no significant relationship between peer support and trait anger, anger-in, anger-out, and anger control; nor was there a significant relationship between self-esteem, anger-in, and anger-out.،This personal disposition is assessed with the Spielberger Trait Anger Scale, which measures the frequency and intensity of angry affect.16 The cognitive dimension is hostility, which is conceptualized as cynical attitudes about others and most commonly assessed with the Cook-Medley Hostility (Ho), derived from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.17 Certain subscales of the Ho inventory, such as the Cynical distrust scale, have shown stronger associations for predicting CHD.18 as did 1 of 3 studies for trait anger33 and 5 of 9 studies for anger expression.34,12,35-37 Another 2 of 9 studies were positive for subsamples: one for women only,38 and one for 48- to 59-year-olds only.39 In populations with known CHD (15 reports, of which 14 assessed fatal or nonfatal MI), only 1 of 6 had positive results for cynical hostility,40 2 of 3 (one of those marginal) for trait anger,41,42 and 2 of 6 for anger expression.43,44 Suls and Bunde25 concluded that the effects of hostility, trait anger, and anger expression were difficult to identify or might not apply in all populations, and that results in patient samples were "very weak and inconsistent with respect to anger, hostility, and anger expression" (p. 284). In analyses with specific instruments, the only significant effects were for the Ho scale (HR = 1.20) in non-cardiac and cardiac studies, and for the Trait Anger Scale in cardiac samples (HR = 1.98). Although positive associations between anger-in and CAD are limited in prior research, Denollet et al. found CAD patients were at increased risk of future events if they scored high on suppressed anger, but diminished when clinical characteristics were statistically controlled (poor exercise toleration, extent of CAD, decreased systolic function and revascularization).47 A study following a percutaneous coronary intervention showed that trait anger was modestly predictive (HR = 1.1; CI 1.03-1.20) of recurrent events, controlling for traditional risk factors. High trait anger was also associated with the shortest time to recurrent cardiac events.48

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